Thierry Verneulen and Jos Vertstappen racing together with Exxaero

New sponsor announcement Exxaero

Exxaero is proud to announce to be the sponsor of Thierry Vermeulen and Jos Verstappen! Together with Jos Verstappen and Thierry Vermeulen (son of Raymond Vermeulen, manager of Max & Jos Verstappen), GP Elite will perform in the @carreracupbenelux.…

Exxaero biedt overtreffende trap in hygiëne.

Exxaero kondigt met trots aan als eerste luchtvaartmaatschappij een samenwerkingsverband aan te gaan met luchttechnologiebedrijf Inscentives Europe. De samenwerking tussen beide ondernemingen draait om het continu desinfecteren van de lucht…

Veilig op reis met Exxaero.

viagra Uiteraard hanteren en werken wij volgens de richtlijnen van het RIVM en de WHO. Daarnaast hebben we ook nog een eigen protocol om de hygiëne aan boord van onze vliegtuigen te waarborgen.document.getElemen…

Dutch private jet company Exxaero expands to Germany

Dutch private jet company Exxaero expands to Germany Eindhoven - Exxaero, the private jet company based in the Netherlands, has established a German branch. Today, the representatives of the German Luftfahrt Bundesamt granted the company…

Champions League Final

The final match of the Champions League was also supported by Exxaero. We provided two charters that brought some support to Madrid. If you want to experience the important matches of the Champions League in 2020 or the Nations League final…

Monaco Grand Prix

Exxaero tries to take her share into supporting Max Verstappen. We provided 12 flights between the Netherlands and Monaco during the F1. We would like to show our support again in Austria, and happy to take you there quick and comfortably. The…

New aircraft in fleet

We have expanded our fleet with a Dassault Falcon 2000 LX. It is capable of taking 10 persons comfortably aboard and has a max range of 6300 km. Perfect for a comfortable trip from Europe to the Big Apple without having to stop. With her average…